Monday, April 30, 2012

One Thousand Gifts - week 3

   I find even the thought of coffee comforting today!  I must admit my mind is racing as I put the Via in the glass and add the hot water...just a little...enough to dissolve the instant and sugar and then the milk splashes around the glass as my mind begins to formulate another plan. 
Why is it so hard just to rest in the arms of the Almighty?  One phrase just continually haunts my thoughts today...two paychecks left...two paychecks left! 
Add the ice cubes...glad ice is free! 
The Painter will be here by the end of the week to get the deck in tip top needs it...if we are going to sell...
Choose to set my mind on God's provision from last week...I'm so glad that I have that to bring to mind...also I'm reminded that I'm not the first that didn't know where they were going...
Abraham was called out to a place he didn't know...
Noah built a massive boat because there was going to be a flood...what's a flood?
Gideon went forward into battle with a handfull of men...because God told him to...
Ruth stayed with Naomi and it took her to a foreign land where she knew noone and was an outsider...God put her in the line of Christ because she followed Him...
   But that's the OLD TESTAMENT... Ok, ...
a young girl was approached by an angel and told she would bare the Messiah...
a group of fishermen put aside their nets and followed when Jesus called...
a little boy gave all he had...5 loaves and 2 fish and watched a miracle happen...
a Pharisee, a real gem of a guy, made a huge life change on the road to Damascus...granted God had to knock him to his knees and blind him to get him to listen...but once he obeyed he literally turned the World upside down in Jesus' name...
   None of these knew what the outcome would be...they just followed and obeyed.
Trust and obey...for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus...

So many gifts last week...I know this week will be full, too!

105. Silos on the hillside. (I so wish I had a picture to put here...still fresh in my mind)

107. Coming home.

113. A weekly cleaning job.

120. Baby overalls!

123. Annonymous note in the mail with $50.

127. Jelly bean rewards.

128. Window markers for practicing letters!

130. Giant foodstore gift cards in the mail...again annonymous!

133. Sewing jobs while I stay home with 2 beautiful munchkins.

135. Potty seat put away without my asking.

136. Summer clothes for the girls!

138. "Because He lives I can face tomorrow!" ~ special thanks to Jackie Landers for worshipping God in her special way and making me realize just how RICH I am in HIM!!!

Hope your week is as blessed as mine as you follow Him on YOUR journey! 



  1. Hey Jenn - I can imagine your anxiety! Remember our talks about adoption and if we would have families some day? God is so good - we just sometimes forget when we are in the midst of trials. My Mom always tells me that God's timing is always perfect - even when we think He should fill us in sooner (Abraham and Issac). Be strong - He has some awesome plans for you and your beautiful family!!! Jeni Anderson

  2. love the overalls--looks just like a pair that we have!

    isn't so amazing that the gifts, the grace, the well is always there! we just have to look--praying that God will continue to give you (and me!) the grace to SEE!!!

  3. Jen we are praying for you and thinking of you often. Not knowing what comes next is one of the hardest trials to face in life I think. I can't wait to look back in a little while and see where He has taken you and how great it is. I know His plan for you will be perfect. He always chooses our paths so much better than we could. Hang in there! You are doing an awesome job with your thankful list! I can tell it's helping you keep the crazy unknown in perspective! Your faithfulness is an encouragement!
