Monday, April 30, 2012

One Thousand Gifts - week 3

   I find even the thought of coffee comforting today!  I must admit my mind is racing as I put the Via in the glass and add the hot water...just a little...enough to dissolve the instant and sugar and then the milk splashes around the glass as my mind begins to formulate another plan. 
Why is it so hard just to rest in the arms of the Almighty?  One phrase just continually haunts my thoughts today...two paychecks left...two paychecks left! 
Add the ice cubes...glad ice is free! 
The Painter will be here by the end of the week to get the deck in tip top needs it...if we are going to sell...
Choose to set my mind on God's provision from last week...I'm so glad that I have that to bring to mind...also I'm reminded that I'm not the first that didn't know where they were going...
Abraham was called out to a place he didn't know...
Noah built a massive boat because there was going to be a flood...what's a flood?
Gideon went forward into battle with a handfull of men...because God told him to...
Ruth stayed with Naomi and it took her to a foreign land where she knew noone and was an outsider...God put her in the line of Christ because she followed Him...
   But that's the OLD TESTAMENT... Ok, ...
a young girl was approached by an angel and told she would bare the Messiah...
a group of fishermen put aside their nets and followed when Jesus called...
a little boy gave all he had...5 loaves and 2 fish and watched a miracle happen...
a Pharisee, a real gem of a guy, made a huge life change on the road to Damascus...granted God had to knock him to his knees and blind him to get him to listen...but once he obeyed he literally turned the World upside down in Jesus' name...
   None of these knew what the outcome would be...they just followed and obeyed.
Trust and obey...for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus...

So many gifts last week...I know this week will be full, too!

105. Silos on the hillside. (I so wish I had a picture to put here...still fresh in my mind)

107. Coming home.

113. A weekly cleaning job.

120. Baby overalls!

123. Annonymous note in the mail with $50.

127. Jelly bean rewards.

128. Window markers for practicing letters!

130. Giant foodstore gift cards in the mail...again annonymous!

133. Sewing jobs while I stay home with 2 beautiful munchkins.

135. Potty seat put away without my asking.

136. Summer clothes for the girls!

138. "Because He lives I can face tomorrow!" ~ special thanks to Jackie Landers for worshipping God in her special way and making me realize just how RICH I am in HIM!!!

Hope your week is as blessed as mine as you follow Him on YOUR journey! 


Thursday, April 19, 2012

One Thousand Gifts - week 2

I must be transparent...if I am nothing else I am transparent!  This has been an AWEFUL week.  To be honest, it has just been the last few days, but it feels like it has been weeks.
Ok, so here is my week...
end of last week I start this killer cold (that is still not gone); Friday we decide that we are ALL going to go up to NH while Pete goes to Boston to run the marathon; Saturday morning Pete goes alone and gets on a bus (with his running group) and heads to Boston...I'm sad, but ok; Monday Pete runs the hardest/hottest marathon EVER and gets home at 1 a.m. on Tuesday morning; Monday I get a call from a stranger about a fraudulant charge on our debit card...I head to bank and find out that someone has Pete's card number and has basically emptied our checking account...we get the "fix it" ball rolling; Monday was also my last day nursing Petra...sadness; Wednesday I have a cleaning job, cramps and I'm sore from non-nursing; Today Pete calls the bank and realizes that MORE money has been withdrawn fraudulantly because we put more in to cover our expenses on the bank's recommendation!  Meanwhile, we have no offers for a job and May 31st is looming (to say the least)!
It has not been easy to jot down gifts this week, but I was encouraged today as I read last weeks gifts and then I started seeing all the wonderful gifts that I was given this week in the midst of all the frustration...I just couldn't see them through the foggy cloud of self pity!  So here it is...hope it is a blessing to you, too!

52. Comforting hum of the dishwasher.
59. Evenings at home.
76. Happy flowers in a canning jar brought to me by a handsome runner man who kept race pace while stopping to pick them for me!

82. Hopscotch!

87. Baby Pinecones.

88. Kissing bridge!

90. "By His death I live again." - The Gospel Song
91.5  Someone willing to go beyond their job description to check on a random purchase...that ended up fraudulant.
96. Pain meds!
97. Having money in our savings to transfer to cover this weeks expenses!

98. Dust free / clutter free dresser!

100. Sunshine, blossoms and butterflies...the view from My Spot.

So what are your gifts this week?


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

One Thousand Gifts

Last January my friend Polly gave me a book called "One Thousand Gifts" by Ann Voskamp.  In October my friend Erika sent me the same book.  I decided maybe I should read it!  So, in February I started reading and I'm not going to is slow going.  I don't get many opportunities to sit and read these days!  But I'm plugging away at it and in the mean time telling everyone I meet about this book and the incredible help it has been to me as we wade through the uncertainty which is currently our life!  Now, I would like to preface this post by saying that I'm not a Voskamp disciple...she is just a lady, albeit with a profound knack for putting "feelings" onto paper, but nonetheless...just a lady.  I don't think she would choose to be uplifted to the pedestal some feel belongs to her and if she does I don't want to know...I choose to think her humble. 
I'm realizing that this book is hard to summarize, but if I could it would be this: through the hardships and the joy of life we are given good gifts every day from a good God.  When we intentionally look for these gifts and give thanks to the One who gives all things our lives will radically change.  Discontent and fear, anger and jealous cannot live in a thankful heart.  A good God cannot give bad things...although it sometimes feels bad it is only because our perspective is skewed by the here and now of this earthly home.  I'm trying to intentionally look beyond the pain and dispair of today and thank God for all of His good gifts to me.  Will you join me?
I would like to blog my list of 1000 gifts (don't worry, I won't share all 1000)!  I'm no photographer, but I may try to add some of that too!  I would love to hear from all of you!  What are you thankful for today?  Are you sharing it with those around you? There is no better way to spread God's steadfast love than to express the good gifts God has given you.  I promise your attitude will change when gratitude is your attitude!
OK...ready, set go!

1. Thick mist across my backyard.

4. The sight of a sleepy 3 yr. old first thing in the morning.

5. Baby Smiles!

15. A quiet house.

24. Dates with my hubby.

49. Green Latte' mug all skinny and tall bringing my morning "fix".

50. "There are no strangers, there are no outcasts, there are no orphans of God".

My goal will be one post a week...continuing my list!  What are you thankful for today?