Monday, January 2, 2012

Cloth diapers, Little People and Resumes

So...currently BOTH of my children are napping...I can't quite believe that this amazing event is occurring simultaneously!  Although I have about 4 large loads of laundry to fold...I'm literally at a loss of what to, blog I shall!
Ayla and Petra in Poppy's wagon!
This is my official farewell to 2011 and Hello 2012!  My life changed in many ways in 2011 and it is looking like 2012 will be almost as interesting...hopefully, a little less 'dramatic'!
2011 started with the final days of my Father's life here on earth...Ayla and I spent 2 emotion charged weeks in Maine only to come home and discover I was pregnant.  Shock...and then morning sickness and I seriously haven't slept ALL night long since about May or June!  Mostly they were 'good' reasons to be awake, but still!  But if you have been following me at all...this is not NEW news! 
Cloth Baby!! 
My last post on here was week 35 of my pregnancy and Petra Grace decided to enter our world a smidge early at 36 weeks.  She is thriving and healthy...a whopping 13.2 lbs. at her 3 month checkup.  I am doing cloth diapers with her...more than I anticipated and just loving it.  I would love any opinions you all have about detergents...I have used Rockin' Green and both, but I'm ready for some input on that one!  Currently I'm in love with FLIP diapers which can be purchased at BabysRUs or online at OR if you are like wait patiently watching for someone to sell them uber cheap!  I also got some used bumGenius hook and loop covers from cottonbabies and recently purchased a 'well-loved' bumGenius 4.0 snap version which I'm falling head over heals for!  I found that the hook and loop leak when Petra naps on her belly.  ICK!  I also purchased 1 cover from and got 2 free (great story), but they consistently leak as well and I'm not in love with their performance, but their style is 2 thumbs up.  JSB does have wonderful sales on inserts though and I really like the size of them for my little munchkin.  I have about 12 or 13 Imse Vimse (Swedish for Itsy Bitsy) that I will be trying soon...they are not onesize, but are for 15 lbs and up.  I'll have to let you know what I think of those!

Ok, now for Little People...Ayla is in love with all things Little People right now. We got her the Nativity for the Christmas season and she and Daddy had a great tradition of having the wise men or Mary sing songs from on top of the stable (where the angel is supposed to sit).  Ayla just makes up her own words and tune!  Fantastic...wish I could have filmed it, but alas...the camera appears and the cheesy smile takes the place of whatever else was happening!  Often I hear her in room time talking to Eddie and Sarah Lynn.  She is seeming bigger and bigger now that Petra is around.  She is a wonderful helper and completely adores her little sister.  The feeling is quite mutual, I'm happy to announce.  They will be great friends someday...I'm sure. 
Candle pin bowling with the Radford clan!  SO exciting! ( shoes.  They don't making bowling shoes that small!)

2012 is promised to bring many changes for our family.  We got the word in November that due to downsizing (which NEEDED to happen) The Good Professor, my dear darling hubby Pete, will be out of a job as of May 31, 2012.  Praising the Lord for extended notice and praying fervently that the Good Shepherd will lead and guide these wandering sheep.  We are resting in the fact that He didn't fall asleep and 'Oh, goodness...what happened with Pete and Jenn?'  This was a planned event and much needed in our lives for some reason.  It has been a wonderful reminder to both of us that we are where (and what) we are by the Grace of God wisdom or power of our own has put us in a job we have loved and with people that we will miss greatly if we have to leave them.  We do not doubt this is exactly what God has for us, but now we need to decide whether to try to get Pete's PhD finished and then move on or whether to move somewhere and let the PhD go.  Mind numbing to mull over and never have an answer.  Most people don't realize that Pete isn't full-time music at Calvary, but full-time seminary prof and part-time music.  We are not anxious to leave...quite the opposite, actually.  God has used this church and seminary in a very special way in our lives.  Just trusting He who holds our future!

Blessings to you all in this new year...thanks for taking time to read about my life and adding your 2 cents!