Friday, June 24, 2011

24 Weeks...16 to go!

24 weeks...really?!  Time is flying by now.  Sometimes it is still a dream and I'm sure I will wake up to the reality that once again I've dreamed all this up.  It truly NEVER gets old going in to the doctor's office and listening to the heartbeat...strong and steady!  I'm continually getting kicked now and the kicking is consistently higher than before.  When I first felt movement it felt as though she were going to put a foot out it was so low, but that isn't the "norm" anymore!  Praise the Lord!  What a strange feeling.  Oh, but I love it.  It is glorious to experience life in its truest form.  So, as promised...another picture.  We are going to be working on the nursery and getting it ready for our newest addition.  Trying to make it look less like "Ayla's old room" and more like "Baby Radford's room" (as Ayla calls it)!  I have some fun ideas and will post pictures as I finish it!

We spent last week up in Maine seeing family and committing my earthly father back to the ground.  Dad is still so real and alive to me...sometimes I call and expect to hear his cheery "Good Morning! Pastor Hilton!" on the other end of the phone.  I find myself often wondering what he thought of me.  He loved me dearly...this I KNOW, but was he proud of me?  Did he approve of my life, my parenting, my choices?!  I find myself (and rightly so) focusing back on Christ...I know that if I follow Him and "delight myself in the Lord" that I will be right where I need to be!  I find all the lessons my dad taught me in life are now coming back and are at the front of my mind.  What a wonderful Heritage to earthly father who reflected my Heavenly Father!  I have so much to be thankful for.  It is amazing to think that dad knew before I did that his continual prayer was answered and that I was pregnant.  God is always good and His timing is NEVER off!  Our job is to trust and lean on Him and not our own understanding.  I must remind myself that although my dad's physical shell now resides in a pretty little plot of land in South Gardiner, Maine, my father is rejoicing with the angels in Glory when a soul turns from sin and accepts Christ.  He is personally worshipping our Creator and has seen the face of God...just imagine!  How could I wish him back too this pitiful life?