Ok, so here is my week...
end of last week I start this killer cold (that is still not gone); Friday we decide that we are ALL going to go up to NH while Pete goes to Boston to run the marathon; Saturday morning Pete goes alone and gets on a bus (with his running group) and heads to Boston...I'm sad, but ok; Monday Pete runs the hardest/hottest marathon EVER and gets home at 1 a.m. on Tuesday morning; Monday I get a call from a stranger about a fraudulant charge on our debit card...I head to bank and find out that someone has Pete's card number and has basically emptied our checking account...we get the "fix it" ball rolling; Monday was also my last day nursing Petra...sadness; Wednesday I have a cleaning job, cramps and I'm sore from non-nursing; Today Pete calls the bank and realizes that MORE money has been withdrawn fraudulantly because we put more in to cover our expenses on the bank's recommendation! Meanwhile, we have no offers for a job and May 31st is looming (to say the least)!
It has not been easy to jot down gifts this week, but I was encouraged today as I read last weeks gifts and then I started seeing all the wonderful gifts that I was given this week in the midst of all the frustration...I just couldn't see them through the foggy cloud of self pity! So here it is...hope it is a blessing to you, too!
52. Comforting hum of the dishwasher.
59. Evenings at home.
82. Hopscotch!
90. "By His death I live again." - The Gospel Song
91.5 Someone willing to go beyond their job description to check on a random purchase...that ended up fraudulant.96. Pain meds!
97. Having money in our savings to transfer to cover this weeks expenses!
98. Dust free / clutter free dresser!
100. Sunshine, blossoms and butterflies...the view from My Spot.
So what are your gifts this week?
oh, Jen...sorry for all the frustrations! I hope the bank situation gets sorted out quickly and easily...what a bummer! Been thinking of you guys and the job hunt...praying something comes through soon! Remember God ALWAYS provides all our needs according to His riches and glory through Christ Jesus...it is a promise! Thinking about blessings...ummm...a big blessing was to have 2 ladies on my prayer list given good news about their cancer. It's been a hard "cancer-year" and I'm VERY thankful to hear good news from friends for a change! thanks for your post and the reminder to find blessings in trial...thinking of the Laura Story song as I write that...anyway, Friend, take care and thanks for your posts...hoping things get better!
ReplyDeleteCatching up with a dear friend on the phone. . . thanks for chatting!
ReplyDeleteWhat a horrible no good week!! I loved 1000gifts. I need to go back and read it again because I got totally off track around the 400's!
ReplyDeleteSo sorry to hear about the bank issues, Jenn! Praying it all gets worked out and for the job situation as well.