First things first...The Basement! It is shockingly cluttered and in desperate need of a face lift before I move my "studio" down there!! Ok, so here it is...
Ok...don't judge! You all have spots like this...I'm sure, right?! And I am working on it! This is the pile of clutter that needs to be consolidated and given a "home"! Here is the picture of the wall where my sewing/creative table will go...
The good news...there is space under the stairs for a small storage closet! YIPPEEE!! Bad news, I really can't stud out a doorway by myself. I must wait for the ever busy professor/ pasto
r/PhD student! Lord, grant me patience! Here is the closet now!
So, to the left is from the outside looking in and to the right is at the doorway looking under the steps! I can't wait to see this space filled up with stuff!
So, here you have it! I've put it out there for the whole world to see...I can't wait to post some updated pictures as we make our progress. I will also post pictures of the loft when we get closer to moving the stuff out and getting the basement studio set up!