What a week it has been. Last week at this time I was fresh off of the adoption benefit and facing major surgery to have a mass removed from my abdomen. This time last week I was prepping for a colonoscopy...yuck! That's all I'll say on that. I was on a liquid diet Sunday and Monday and Tuesday took me in for surgery. We arrived around 10:30 a.m. and sat in pre-op until about 1 p.m. It didn't seem real until they wheeled me into the OR and I could see those massive lights above me, but at that point I had already been given some pretty sweet drugs and I didn't much care. The next thing I remember was severe pain...I woke up in recovery and was instantly begging for meds. The nurses were great! Truly...someone was specifically praying for my nurses because they were all so helpful and kind. They hooked me up to a "magic button" that when pushed made the whole world right again and knocked me out completely. I don't remember the trip from recovery to my room, but I do remember Pete being there and feeling so much better that he was around. Apparently our pastor came for a visit that night, too...I don't have any recollection of him being there, but according to my husband I began to talk to him and promptly fell asleep halfway through a sentence. I'm sure it will take a lifetime to live that one down. I do remember (remarkably) that they brought a therapy dog around and he was super soft and very docile, but after that it is a blurr...everything wore me out so fast.
Wednesday morning was still a slight blurr, but my friends, Alex and Bethany, came to see me and I just couldn't think of anything to say to make them comfortable. The haze persisted even after they unplugged me and made me get up and start moving. I was just so worn out the whole time! I had a couple more visitors as the day progressed and balloons...gorgeous balloons...I felt so loved...truly! As evening approached I had a few more visitors and appreciated them a little more...the heavy cloud had lifted and I could interact better with those around me, but I was still way more worn out than I thought possible. I slept all night Wednesday and the nurses let me!
Thursday morning they let me take a shower and get ready to head home...I was so excited. The car ride was excruciating and Pete was driving so carefully. I got home and went straight to bed...and slept and slept. The next few days were much the same...come down and see Ayla, talk and be sociable, sleep...sleep...sleep!
So, now it is Sunday and I'm all alone...my family is all at church...and I'm wishing I could be. I KNOW I belong here this morning. I would be mauled if I entered the church doors and that would be a major set back!
I am by no means pain-free, but I am so thankful that God has given the strength I've needed for each day and so thankful for the meals and help we have received! I've seen this week what the "family of God" really looks like...I'm so glad I'm a part of it.